(idea) game maker with lobby to download and upload other games created

I have this idea for a while, but I don’t have skill to do it.
Create one game maker to make games and upload them to game maker database.
Users could check in program lobby for all games created and download all the files needed (images, fonts, sounds, config files, …) and the program with the files open the game inside.
For example, like steam & game maker.
Config files should always use the same “template” generated with game maker, so the own program can run them easily.
My English is really bad :clue: but I think this would been awesome. A game maker with online database to download other games from other users. Rate games, comment, post gameplays, etc.

What, really, is he purpose of this thread?

I did? Where?

Ricardo started this thread
dudeperfect started that other thread

ricardo wanted to discuss the idea of it (pros/cons) etc…
dudeperfect was asking a technical question of how to do a game lobby/shared game system

Basically what ricardo was purposing was to mimic what Steam is doing. which is a pretty massive undertaking. But with with lower barrier of entry( kongregate/armorgames/newgrounds, but ‘downloads for offline play’ sorta like Steam does)

dudeperfect was asking ‘how to actually implement a game network lobby’

Although they are very similar in generalized concepts. I do not think they are the same thread whatsoever, nor were they by the same people. Got to cut him a little slack? Am I out of place on this?

Oh, sorry thats true. Didn’t realize… Very sorry OP.

Well, I’ll always be happy to help.

What happened in this thread?
I can’t seem to follow it at all. ???

It looks like there’s been some heavy moderation (or users deleting their posts)…

I deleted my posts out of embarrassment. I wrongly accused the OP of creating the same thread twice to try to get more answers, and I felt bad so I deleted them!

Ah, okay. Thought something was wrong with me for a second there. :slight_smile:

I was confused too.

For the sake of continuity, deleting posts mid-thread is very very confusing and should be avoided. Rather, if You must, edit it, though I personally prefer to keep the original post and just continue the thread with a new post with whatever content needed be in the original reply.

Yeah, sorry I just felt bad. Plus, my posts had no value, it was just me being accusing, nothing actually important. Sorry again!

Sorry for this topic. I misunderstood the concept of “Business and Project Discussions”.

It’s technically okay for threads like this, it’s just that the people who would do it right are the people who wouldn’t want to do it in the first place. ::slight_smile: