Ice Maze

A new game from me. provisionally called Ice maze .

please give this game a little try, there are a million graphical and gameplay place-holders, and the theme music has a very annoying place-holder sound(kill it in options if you want) but the game should be at least playable. The biggest problem seems to be that some people cannot download the game from my new host . please leave feedback.

the idea is to run around (arrows) , push the blocks around (with spacebar), kill the baddies by crushing them with moving blocks and to complete the level, place the 4 special blocks in their correct positions (marked on the floor).

Doesnt work. “Read 0” all the time.

thats really weird . it downloads for me fine . but you are the 3rd person to tell me the same thing . Any ideas why that might be ?

I got a:

[quote]Mon May 22 14:47:00 CEST 2006: Loading: res/crunch.ogg
Mon May 22 14:47:00 CEST 2006: GAME LOOP EXCEPTION
Mon May 22 14:47:00 CEST 2006: java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
at IceMan.model.md2.MD2Loader.load(
at IceMan.model.md2.MD2Loader.load(
at IceMan.model.md2.DeferredMD2Model.load(
at IceMan.IceMan.LoadingGameState.update(
at IceMan.IceMan.StateBasedGame.update(
at IceMan.IceMan.GameClient.update(
at IceMan.IceMan.LWJGLWindow.gameLoop(
at IceMan.IceMan.LWJGLWindow.startRendering(
at IceMan.IceMan.GameClient.(
at IceMan.IceMan.GameClient.main(

seems to me that there is a problem with the files being downloaded. I`m going to guess that your error Matzon was due to the resources jar not coming down.
I get the “read 0” thing as well myself but the files still seem to download.

looks like I`ll have to switch hosts again :frowning:

changed the hosting of the files , should work now :slight_smile:

Still getting the “Read 0” error.

have you tried both links …