I’m having a problem with my overall rendering speed.
Basically the little billboarded tree you can see (bigger on the right) is being rendered 10,000 times (in the exact same position,) and it’s slowing my framerate to something like 10 fps (that’s a deliberate stress-test, btw.) But here’s the kicker: if I reduce the sprite’s size to 1/5th, for 1/25th previous screen area, then the time taken for it to render drops to almost nothing. (In other words, rendering time seems to be directly proportionate to the No. of fragments x No. of sprites.) I’m not calling glFinish() at any point, so why isn’t the rendering being handed over to the graphics card while my main thread does other, game-related, things? I suspect that for some reason the rendering is being done in software, but I can’t tell… How would I find out? Are there any other steps I could take here, and/or am I missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance.