(With an overzealous generalization) There are 2 groups of people here: the tinkerers and the content providers.
The tinkerers are those, that are more interested in the engines and technology. They are those that write everything from scratch and are less likely to use framework and libraries already present. The good side is having a good knowledge of the system and processes. The con, however, is that there is less likely a finished product (a game in this context), since all the effort goes into “optimizing” and “making things better”. Make no mistake, however, there are very impressive tinkering results scattered on this boards. For example the shader based particle engine was my favorite.
The content providers are those, that are interested in making something workable. Coding, as such, is just the means and often, an annoying step. They are more interested in getting the game out, as such they use all the libraries and frameworks that make them do the least work for the most profit (in the efficiency sense). Those are the ppl that pop up from somewhere, demo a game, that’s already in the Android market place, at the same time being new to java and LibGDX. (which is, once again, very impressive, seeing how many finished games I have )
The question is, are those 2 groups mutually exclusive, static or transitional states. Are they 2 parts of the same, personal, evolution tree. Or maybe the transitional state is actually a 3rd group?
If they are transitional states, then You just need time and experience. At one point, You will organize Yourself into more productive and less obsessed with side/meta issues. I, myself, have gone from “I must write everything myself” to “I wish I wouldn’t have to write so much code”.
Also, when ppl are suggesting libraries and frameworks, then those suggestions are come from the content providing part, since they really ease Your workload and give You more resources (Your time) for making a game (making content vs tinkering).