Nobody is talking about an encoder or decoder. I am talking about a terrain editor. There aren’t file formats out there for heightmaps, other than PNG and maybe DDS, but I haven’t looked at DDS.
I know. The benefits are loading and methodology. You should really read up a page to learn more about it.
Not really sure about why people jumped on you for trying to demonstrate something game-related… I still think that the final purpose of the game development for majority of the community is still the fun… You are having fun, that is the most important… And the argument about “wheel reinvention” is the most pathetic argument you can hear to prevent you from having fun… Remember, there are banks, hotels, restaurants, malls, cafeterias, etc providing you exactly the same service, everyday of your life, but somehow no one still realized that those have “reinvented the wheel” and still profiting.
I might have some time to give it a shot in the evening to give you some feedback, keep doing what makes you happy! May the Force be with you!
I really appreciate the defense, but they are seasoned game developers who just want to get stuff done with the littlest effort and programmers don’t like redundancy. So I can see where they come from. Please, don’t try out the engine. It is out dated x).
Just sayin, we wouldn’t have to ‘reinvent the wheel’ if we’d all pitch-in on decoupled libraries for specific tasks. There’s a library out there for everyone to work on, and if there isn’t you’re either not looking hard enough or really lucky, and it’s your duty to start one.
Creating libraries has always existed. The only libraries I’ve needed have been LWJGL and twl’s PNGDecoder, but that was obviously temporary. I have been looking at JOML and have ripped two functions. One function from inctercept, and the other one from Matrix4. These both because from the documentation I’ve looked at, none of it can be understood. Libraries do help there - understanding concepts. Reinventing the wheel is another term for learning how to do something. It is important to ‘reinvent the wheel’ because people die. If the person who made a library dies off and nobody knows what the hell the functions do, there is a problem. Comment documentation goes as far as saying what the function does, not how. Then if you want to take it a step further and make a thousand function doing a specific thing it becomes an unnecessary labyrinth. I already hate the current coding style we do. You have a main function then hundreds of sets of functions that are called once or twice. So called, “helper functions.” I don’t really think that is digressing, but you see my point.
I will make a library for my xm files, don’t worry, but as far as fitting the only things you’d need goes so far, as per my point of what I just said.
Also, I thought of starting a blog site that features a bunch of different features which connect everything relevant.
Reinventing the wheel is nice when you’re learning, but reinventing the wheel when there’s already a well known existing solution and you’re trying to get people to use your solution instead… well that’s most likely a waste of time.
I’m not trying to make you feel bad. But I’ve seen a lot of “engines”/frameworks started here, and months later they are no longer in development. If you’re making it for yourself, great! But don’t expect other people to take up your solution when there’s already hugely popular frameworks out there that have been solving problems for years. If your goal here is to get people to use your framework then I would advise you to get a team together and really hammer out a lot of solid features. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother.
Efficiency is king when it comes to development, why would anyone decide to learn an entirely new framework that may not support all the features they used in their old framework? I think most game developers would rather stick with their tools that they already know work, that way they can just focus on making their games. I think part of what you don’t understand is that a lot of us have tried to create their own game frameworks. Some of us were successful, a lot of us weren’t. But I think in the end most of us learned that they’re just for personal use, not to try to get others to use. We do have the experience, and a lot of us are trying to help you so you don’t stumble before you can take off running (making games). I think everyone here would love to see you make a popular framework or game which is why we are trying to guide you. Every head strong “newbie” that has come through here (you’re definitely not the first) always goes down the same route you’re going. A couple of them have gone on to work on some really cool projects after they realize they’re wasting their time with the whole “try my framework” thing. The ones who didn’t realize that might be working on cool projects now too, but it took them longer to get to that goal. If you would seriously just sit down and listen to what some of us have to say you would learn a lot, and it might set you up for success earlier.
What do you even mean by this? Condensing code isn’t always the answer, sometimes sprawling code bases are necessary to keep code efficient and re-usable. Trying to force everything into huge functions is exactly what leads to what you’re complaining about; unnecessary labyrinths. Not to mention, functions are self documenting when used correctly. Reasonably splitting up code into smaller functions that are properly named and have just the right scope makes code infinitely more readable. Sometimes it’s necessary to have a function that is maybe only called once or twice, and I think knowing when to do that is part of moving forward as a programmer. Design is just as important as the actual code you write otherwise you’re going to end up writing some pretty god awful spaghetti code.
For the love of god, don’t pick apart my response to try to prove me wrong. Read some of the posts your peers here have taken the time to write out to you and really consider them instead of just tossing them aside because they might hurt your feelings a little bit. There are some brilliant people here you could learn a lot from, and not just about game design but about development as a whole. I haven’t worked on a game project in years now, but I learned a lot about development and now I’m a professional software developer. I can attribute part of my “success” to some of the users here. Open your mind and seriously consider what people have to say, that’s all I’m really asking you to do.
I ignored the rest of your stuff about halfway through the 2nd paragraph. I made this for LEARNERS. People who need a working example of a basic engine. It demonstrates rendering in a way. This shouldn’t be used as a game engine.
I am creating an engine for myself. Yes it is good. Its nice to see you agree with me when I say reinventing the wheel is a good way.
Your posts contradict themselves in this thread. You refuse to host your code on git or similar, which means that the vast majority of people will not even look at your code because they have to download it. (Which goes against your statements of wanting people to learn something from it)
In addition, you refuse to learn from others in this thread who have tried to help you. I know that I, for one, do not want to learn anything from someone who refuses to learn. (Except how refusing to learn cripples you)
One of the easiest ways to pull down someone’s project is through source control. I wouldn’t expect you to understand that though, which is why we are trying to tell you that. You need to grow up and learn to listen to people who know more than you who are just trying to help. I’m not saying that person is me, but some very smart knowledgeable people have tried to give you good advice. You can be headstrong and excited and ignore everything we say, but at least have the decency to read our replies instead of blowing all of us off. We don’t need that in our community.
Source is for people who need to learn
It was provided as is
I don’t care about what you all think
Whatever you think of me can be with held
It is not the place to read two posts then comment on something from ages ago which was resolved. I agreed with git, I am not going to go back and plop this crap up on git. It is provided as is. I am not going to implement anything further with this build, as I previously stated. Nobody is going to come into a thread telling me how I should do something different after they rant on how I am currently doing it all for nothing.
Whatever my intentions be, I would prefer them to be my intentions and not your worry.
I dont see anything wrong with downloading code. I actually prefer to download the code and open it up in Eclipse or some other IDE over looking at it through a web browser. I agree with your second statement on him refusing to learn from people who are trying to help him.
I understand git has that download button.
I didn’t put it on git. I used dropbox.
It comes as is.
I don’t care about what you all think any longer
Is what I meant.
Its not much of a prophecy thing, but I do like to store my knowledge for others and help along those who struggle. Throughout my 4-5 years on Roblox, I mained a Scripters Help forum which helped debug code, code theory, and general script discussion. Lua script. Thats why I am such a Lua nut.
I have been doing that, but replying to peoples posts isnt necessarily bad.
I am not sure what you are saying by cool engine, might take into consideration for my next project means. I hope you aren’t pulling from that engine. It is out dated with many-a-improvements to be made.
I’d save that for a new thread. This one was derailed and is gross to read.
My engine was recently forked and minimalised for terrain development. I am creating my xmh file, which is coming along fantastically. I can start development on the terrain any time I want, but I want to get more involved with the editor first. The reason comes from wanting to pack the terrain in a meaningful way with metadata that is a must. I can forsee the metadata, but only when it comes down to the core.
The original game engine features a ton of different things that I’d have to sift through and isolate.