[quote]Understanding someone else’s code completely takes a huge amount of effort.
Never quite ran into that error with code. With Matrices and huge amounts of cute math stuff, I have ran into that error. Such as JOML’s (I read as Just Onother Markup Language lol) Intersection4 classes maths to check intersection. That I agree on.
[quote] I bet you haven’t even tried out LibGDX at all.
I’ve said this multiple times. This thread has a boat load of hits. If at least one person benefits that is good.
That goes along with this quote: …may sift through it to rip some specific feature from it…
This is exactly what I like. Rip the feature. Learn the feature. Implement the feature. Do something.
I learned Java by sample code. I pride myself with typing neat as possible code. This is subjective. (Its my enjoyment.)
[quote]( I know I write informally all the time, but usually not to bash anyone unless ironically or to prove a point )
Hippo Critical strike detected (hippo crit) :point: :persecutioncomplex: : ;D ;D
[quote]Unix philosophy: “Do One Thing And Do It Well!” Pointing
Eww Unix :^)
[quote]These sound like cool features. Why not put them into separate git repositories and work on them there (like java-lwjgl-texture-file and java-heightmap-file)? They have uses other than game development, why put them in a game library?
They aren’t going in a library. They will be distributed alongside with my terrain editor. The editor revolves around the XM file format. The development of XMT is complete. Please note I changed the name from mx to xm. Originally I had the name as “Mixer” and I have that habit in my head (mix files). I wanted XM at the start. It is XM.
XMT, XMH files to be exact. XMT is texture. XHM is heightmap. It will be feature a module to convert whatever I can support to XMT as a separate binary with utilizing String[] args.
Currently XMT only supports conversion from PNG. Future, definitely BMP. I am inable to convert from XMT to PNG. I have to reverse the decode process, which isnt a big deal.
Heightmaps are a different story. I actually need the editor to distribute it. If I don’t, then how is the file going to be of any use? Sure, I could write a plugin for some other program but ivent found one. The file format’s creation or loading is no secret. So i’ll let the source code go. I won’t support git hub for the editor. No need. I will have binaries. I created cute little icons for them just for this purpose. I will feature plugin support and dynamic editor variables. This will make it so the community can take over the project without having to touch the source code (this is why eclipse still exists). So theres that.
Final thing I want is to feature a compression module which compresses and uncompresses the files like PNG files. This will allow small, small files sizes and whats good is its lossless. I will feature a uncompression method. This will be a separate module. It SHOULD be used in production in places such as installers. This allows fast file transfer. I could just use 7zip maybe. Idk. I haven’t tested anything.
[quote] there shouldn’t be a huge library with a billion uses
Its obvious to see that I am working that way.
Another thing I wanted to note was, thank you for taking interest and or supporting this.