So, while I DID sell “one or more copies”, it is not exactly because I’m proud I’m going to put this down, but:
Here are some things I have learned:
You don’t get ANY advertisement for free:
The Chrome Web Store does not favour new games in any way, so if you’re not Big Game Company™, you get no downloads just because you’re in the store.
I can scroll the game category for minutes without finding my game. All in all the store is pretty much just a payment method (that requires a certain browser) for me right now…
Direct download of .jnlp is a bad idea:
The store is made for websites or things that appear that way. This means that not only does it seem weird to the user when you instead supply them with a jnlp, but there are some problems that seem to have gone unnoticed: Sometimes the jnlp download disappears after you have clicked the app in the browser, leaving only the browser unsafe download security dialog. My solution to this problem is to simple redirect the user to a download page on my website, where I can then explain what’s going on to the user. It is my hope to add the game as an applet on this page directly, but I seem to have struck a lwjgl bug with this approach.
Finally the part you have all been waiting for:
Was it worth it?!:
Yes and no.
On the positive side the store serves as payment method for my game, leaving me without many worries. It was also good to experience actually selling a game for the first time, no matter how ridiculous the sales count is.
On the other hand, I have sold only 3(!) copies after two days in the store, and all was from reletives / friends. This means I have almost broken even, in terms of the one-time payment you have to make, but so far, I actually LOST money, when taxes are collected. Hopefully this will change in the future, but my expectation are lower than ever now
I’m still very much considering direct payment from my own website, but that depends on the hassle I have to go through and the time I have at hand…
I hope my experience has come in handy for someone else…