hud problem

In my HUD i have a frame with buttons., as I move around my world these buttons slowly melt into the frame background and go away. …frame at level 1 buttons at level 2…

What do you mean by “level 1” and “level 2”?

Please try to increase the Button’s z-index. Maybe the engine has a small accuracy problem here. Increasing the z-index by e.g. 10 could maybe help you out.


only helped a little. Odd all in all, the underlying frame never disappears only the buttons added to the frame. Where is the z index handled within the HUD code.

To anyone concerned…I have’nt beeen able to register in xith forum so I use this heee hee!!

In org.xith3d.ui.hud.base.WidgetBase.updateTranslation()

BTW: Is it possible to post an example of this behaviour?

I can try…not today…all that is needed is to move the scene around as in a first person shooter. At some point as you move the buttons go away. Not all buttons disappear at the same time. I lose some going one way and other going the opposite way…YOICKS!!! :o

OK, I’ll try to place some Buttons on a Frame on the BSPLoaderTest scene.

Please checkout the BSPLoaderTest. I’ve added a Frame with two Buttons. But they’re perfectly rendered, no matter how I move through the scene. Please tell me, what I should setup differently to get the described errors.


Rats works for me…I think that using at least one button without alpha is keepong mine from disappearing…don’t pursue this until I can send you a repeatable case.

OK, thanks.

I’m inclined to think there’s something very wrong in the rendering code… aren’t there errors with machine state changes or missing start/end calls ? (I don’t know the low-level rendering stuff, just guessing, probably wrong)…

It’s always possible, that the rendering code is doing something wrong. And espeacially for the HUD the back-front-sorting problem is extremely important. Bohdan promised some time ago, that he would write a new bounds sorting system to fix this, but unfortunately he never did. The above problem could maybe be due to the same problem. When I am through with the loaders, I’ll have a deeper look again.


I still don’t have a repeatable example. Some side notes though, my original problem used button created with 3 textures in the constructor. Odlly enough adding an additional, non-alpha button seems to have changed the melting problem…at least in one example.

When watching the problem, button on top of a textured background for the frame, I see the button texture go away, then the button text, the textured background never goes away. Just some info…

What kind of texture do you use for the frame? Is it the default texture or a user defined one? If it is a user defined one, then try to use it without alpha channel. As I mentioned above sometimes transparency is still a problem in xith.
