i got a problem: I currently only using a single selfmade Animator-Class (like the FPSAnimator) to update the world and render the scene. This works almost fine… I call the drawable.display(); followed by the drawable.swapBuffers(); method to call for a new frame. The time needed for displaying is measured and results in a time-scale-factor for the world update. I want to draw 60 frames per second, that means i have 16,6 milliseconds for drawing a single frame. If the rendering needs more time, the time-scale-factor grows and the world updates offsets the game time a bit more. If less time was needed, the thread may sleep some time.
The problem comes from the display and swap buffers methods, which are not invoked as i call them, but any time they want to.
The little image shows an ingame gui. The first line shows the current fps and a graph of the last 10 seconds. The second line show the measured mspf (milliseconds per frame). The green graph show the mean values for 10 seconds and the dotted white graph the last 30 values (the values for a half second). The last line shows the tsf (time scale factor) and the difference between the last 2 mean values. The dottle lines shows my problem. In most of the display, swapBuffers calls i need nearly 0 ms and for some calls i need 16.6 ms. One can imagine that this comes from the vsync option (setSwapInterval) but in both cases this is how it looks like.
It seems that the interface / device buffers the render requests and waits some time before it just renders all buffered requests. But how can you gain a steady world update with this?
The FPSAnimator class produces a steady framerate and render call rate, but while using drawable.repaint() with autoswap buffer mode you have no chance to measure the time past or the framerate reached. If you want to reach 60 fps and the machine can only produce 10 fps the worlds time passes in slow-motion…
Has anyone an idea to help me with this problem?