How to MultiThread in JOGL

Dear All,
I have been trying so hard to wrap my head around the multithreading concept in JOGL. I looked into many documentations and it seems to me that every documentation I go through passes me to a next one without me finding a complete and simple code that implements multithreaded rendering.

The program that i’m trying ti implement is simple. Within the class that implement GLEventListener and inside the display() method I have a simple algorithm which is a for loop. Inside the loop am generating random x and y coordinates. What I want to do is draw these points as they are being determined by the random generator to give the viewer a sense of how the points are generated in real-time.

To solve this, I have read documentations on JOGL’s website that suggested using GLWindow instead of a JFrame to enable concurrency. I did that! Moreover, I have created a work class that implements a GLRunnable this class includes all the code necessary to do the work of drawing each point following is the content of this class

1 import;
2 import;
3 import;
5 public class GLWork implements GLRunnable{
6 private float x;
7 private float y;
8 private boolean in;
10 GLWork(){
11 x = 0.0f;
12 y = 0.0f;
13 in = false;
14 }
16 GLWork(float x, float y, boolean in){
17 this.x = x;
18 this.y = y;
19 = in;
20 }
22 @Override
23 public boolean run(GLAutoDrawable drawable){
24 GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2();
26 gl.glPointSize(10.0f);
27 gl.glPushMatrix();
28 gl.glBegin(GL2.GL_POINTS);
29 if(in)
30 gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
31 else
32 gl.glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
33 gl.glVertex3f(x, y, 0.0f);
34 gl.glEnd();
35 gl.glPopMatrix();
37 return true;
38 }
39 }

Following I created another work class that implements Runnable and has a private variable of type GLWork. following is the code

1 import;
2 import;
4 public class PointWork implements Runnable{
5 private GLAutoDrawable drawable;
6 private GLRunnable runnable;
8 PointWork(){
9 }
11 PointWork(float x, float y, boolean in, GLAutoDrawable drawable){
12 this.drawable = drawable;
13 this. runnable = new GLWork(x, y, in);
14 }
16 public void run(){
17 synchronized(drawable){
18 drawable.invoke(true, runnable);
19 }
20 }
21 }

Note that I have synchronized the GLAutoDrawable so no other thread can draw on the drawable while this thread is. I’m not really sure if this is the correct way to do it or not.

Now, for the simple algorithm that does the creation of each point and instantiating threads to draw the point. This is inside the display() method.

57 float x; // x coordinate
58 float y; // y coordinate
59 boolean in; // true if point is inside circle
60 int inCount = 0; // counter for points that are in
61 float pi; // estimated pi value
62 int totalPoints = 1000; // total number of random points
63 Random floatRandomGenerator = new Random(); // random number generator
64 for(int i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++){
65 x = floatRandomGenerator.nextFloat();
66 y = floatRandomGenerator.nextFloat();
67 if((Math.pow(x - 0.5, 2) + Math.pow(y - 0.5, 2)) <= Math.pow(RADIUS, 2)){
68 in = true;
69 inCount++;
70 }
71 else
72 in = false;
73 new Thread(new PointWork(x, y, in, drawable)).start();
74 }

The in variable is just to determine if I should draw the point in red or blue.

I would really appreciate if someone can provide me with a simple general purpose example of how to implement multi-threaded rendering.

I hope that my explanation and code is easy to follow and understand, and I hope that someone out there can help me with this issue. Once I understand how to multithread in JOGL I will be able to do many awesome stuff :slight_smile: thank you

I think what you are doing is quite right, I think you can loose the synchronize because it doesn’t have any use.
Also remember how the overall thread structure looks like.
In OpenGL you can only render with 1 thread only, so when you have a multithreading environment you have to build render tasks and submit them to the one real render thread.
These render taks are GLRunable like your GLWork when you call invoke on a GLAutoDrawable you enque the task to be rendered(read the javadoc for a more precise description). Now the final imported thing is the boolean flag on the invoke method. If you set it to true(like you did) your invoking thread will wait until the task has been processed by the OpenGL main thread, calling it with false makes the call asynchron.

In my opinion you probably shouldn’t use this functionally for doing your main rendering of objects, but for small initialization stuff like resource loading.
For example I like to load all my game resources in another thread(so I can render a loading bar for example). When I load a texture in my resource thread I first read it from a file and then want to upload it to the GPU and this uploading is then easily achieved with such a render task.

I already answered his question here: