How to make a graphical text box?

Hello, I really this is the right section.

In my game, I need to have a text box where you’d enter information. A character name and description for example.

I am stumped about an easy way for me to create a JTextBox analogue. I obviously don’t want to use a real one since it would horribly clash with the graphics of the game.

Does anyone have any good way of doing this or where to start?

I’m not sure if there is a proper way to do this but I’d just draw a rectangle and whenever a user types a key just draw a string into the rectangle.

If you’re going to do this, best to make a separate class, otherwise your code will get very messy very fast :slight_smile:
What do you have against JTextField and JTextArea? Do you want to customize the look, or do you feel GUI components clash with your game panel? Also, why is this in game mechanics?