How to get bug reports from users?

Just released a new version of Air Attack that seems to cause problems for some users. Thankfully people are helpful and mail about the problems but they are hard to debug without the application log files. Does anyone know how the user can retrieve the log files from the application and send them to us?



If the app is signed, something like this:

System.setOut(new Socket().getOutputStream());
System.setErr(new Socket().getOutputStream());

All you got to do is handle the incoming data on the server.


Works really well. It emails you stack traces direct from the device if the game/app crashes.


Sounds great Kev, will look into that asap! Hopeing it works with different Views too - the problem may be caused by one of our ad providers which runs in a separate view - so we don’t have much control over it or the option of catching exceptions from it.

Oh, if anyone has upgraded to the latest version of AA and have problems I would be tremendously thankful to hear about it! Unless there is a “send bug report” button ordinary users have a bit of a hard time sending bug reports :slight_smile:


FYI found this app which looks very promising:

enables users to find error log files and send them to developers!
