how to follow the path

Hey everyone, Im looking for code that would make it so that if your pointing at 30 degress off of 0 degrees, and you want to go straight that you actually go straight, and not along the x or y axisif you get what Im saying. any help would be good, BTW, I have an angle variable if that can help.

TL;DW version: sin is the Y component of movement, cos is X

I know about trigonometry and all, im just looking for any code to help because I cant find it anywhere

Trig / vector math, in a 2D environment that means sine and cosine.

float angle = (float) Math.toRadians(30);
float xDir = (float) Math.cos(angle);
float yDir = (float) Math.sin(angle);
float pixelSpeed = 10;

xPos += xDir * pixelSpeed;
yPos += yDir * pixelSpeed;

what about a 3d environment, and here is the code for the class


public class Controller {
	public double x, z, rotation, xa, za, rotationa, angle;
	public void tick(boolean forward, boolean left, boolean back, boolean right, boolean turnLeft, boolean turnRight) {
		double rotationSpeed = 0.025;
		double walkSpeed =0.0025;
		double xMove = 0;
		double zMove = 0;
		if (forward) {
			if (back == false) {
				z += za;
		if (left) {
			if (right == false) {
				x -= xa;
		if (back) {
			if (forward == false) {
				z -= za;
		if (right) {
			if (left == false) {
				x += xa;
		if (turnLeft) {
			rotationa = 0;
			if (turnRight == false) {
				angle += rotationa * rotationSpeed; 
			rotation -= angle;
		if (turnRight) {
			rotationa = 0;
			if (turnLeft == false) {
				angle += rotationa * rotationSpeed; 
			rotation += angle;
		xa += (xMove * Math.cos(angle) + zMove * Math.sin(angle)) * walkSpeed;
		za += (xMove * Math.cos(angle) - zMove * Math.sin(angle)) * walkSpeed;
		System.out.println("X= " + x + " Z= " + z + " Rotation= " + rotation);

Don’t think he’s ready for 3D if he can’t figure this out in 2D. :point:

Furthermore, 3D in pure Java is pain :slight_smile:
Most of distance techniques in Java2D can be used in 3D world, just need to increase the degree.