How to enable quad-buffered stereo rendering?

Hi there,

I have an 120Hz screen and the nvidia 3D vision kit plugged into my computer running Ubuntu (Linux-amd64) with a GeForce Quadro FX 4800 and want to use quad-buffered stereo rendering in jogl2. Unfortunately, I don’t see how to enable it.

I set GLCapabilties.setStereo(true), but the flag is false in the chosen caps of the GLDrawable - a GLCanvas in my case. Actually, using a GLCapabiltiyChooser, none of the available modes has the stereo flag set to true. Accordringly a later query to glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO, …) returns GL_FALSE.

However, my system configuration is perfectly capable of it. For example these programs written in PyOpenGL work perfectly fine:
I added the glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO, …) to these scripts and the returned value is GL_TRUE.

Can anyone help my enable stereo with JOGL2?

Thanks and Best,

I am guessing that you need to run in fullscreen mode? Usually stereo is only supported for specific display modes.

thanks for answering.

Unfortunately the solution is not that simple.

I tried in fullscreen mode and it didnt work. Also the python works in window mode and AFAIK the technique is supposed to work in window mode (as opposed the nvidia Direct3D "automatic stereo).

Anyhow, I wil try with the LWJGL tomorrow or on Tuesday and let you guys know if it works there…

Just to confirm: quad-buffered rendering for stereoscopic 3D works well with the OpenGL Bindings of the LWJGL - even embedded inside awt using the AWTGLCanvas. So it has to be a Jogl/Jogamp specific bug.

A fix would be very much appreciated, but I’m glad that I can continue to use Java with the LWJGL in the meantime (and possible in the future as I like LWJGL’s simplistic approach).
