A few more fine jvm options, that you should at least try
-XX:MaxPermSize=20M // this or 30m, typically my apps never needed more for perm size
back to OpenJDK
For Linux: OpenJDK already contains server VM. Should be pre-installed. If not, user can install it with one command line, no need to bundle it.
For MacOSX: Probably contains server VM already, no need to bundle.
For Window: 32 bit constains only client vm, you should bundle openjdk.
If user somehow has 64 bit jvm, then it has server vm only, no need to bundle - but users don’t usually have 64 bit vm…
http://dwn.keraj.net/OpenJRE-7u6-windows-i386.7z - 8mb
- rt.jar is not compressed - 24mb - so 7zip can compress it more efficiently. (resulting in 8mb package)