How to disable a mouse behaviour within the operating system.

I have a system with x2 mice connected. When I run my app I want to have one mouse dedicated to controlling certain aspects of the app, including character movements etc. Whilst the other mouse has the behaviour of a normal mouse.

So I am thinking that I need to disable one of the mice behaviour within the operating system. Is this correct? Or can I do this within the jinput API?

Hope someone can help.

I have managed to do some digging around on the net and decided to change the X11 xorg.conf file. Although unsuccessful at this moment. The configuration involved setting the 2nd mouse to stop sending events to X, by setting the SendCoreEvents to false. To distinguish the device I used the command lshal(Hardware Abstraction Level, but I am bit concerned that the device driver it uses is /dev/input/event5!

I am also wondering at this moment if I was successful and stopped the 2nd mouse from sending SendCoreEvents to X if that would cause the jinput to not work! Can someone please confirm?


Which distro are you using?, and which revision?. If X is using the newer xevdev input drivers then your best bet is the AWT plugin. Unfortunately. It’s not that you need to disable the sendcoreevents, it’s that you need to get X to ignore the device completely, otherwise it still opens the device node in such a way that jinput can’t read it.



Thanks endolf for you response. I have managed to sort the problem out. I configured the xorg.conf file and added the autoDetectEnabled flag to false and explicitly added each mouse.

If anyone needs to do this they can contact me if they like and I will help out.