How to deploy OpenALSoft with Java Web Start?


Does someone know how to deploy OpenALSoft with Java Web Start? I would like to use it with JOAL and Paul’s 3D Sound System. Best regards.

I know this is an old thread, but in case anyone else gets here after having the same problem, the way to do this is to first package the .dll, .so, .dylib, etc. (compiled for whichever OS’s you are targeting) into .jar files, and sign them with a valid certificate.

Then, in your jnlp file, you use the tag to let Java Web Start know about the native library. You’ll want to check the OS to load the correct .jar. An entry for Solaris, for example:

<resources os="SunOS" arch="sparc">
    <nativelib href="lib/solaris/natives.jar"/>

Then you link to the native library in your code the usual way, like so (assuming you called your library “openalsoft”):


Thank you very much. I hope there won’t be any conflict with hardware accelerated OpenAL which might have already been loaded.

Hmm, that’s a really good point. I’ve never tried to see what would happen if you loaded both. You’d definitely want to make sure that doesn’t cause problems. Off hand, I’m not really sure how you’d get around it if it does.

Michael Bien used OpenALSoft with JOAL successfully, I will have to ask him how he did.

One idea I just had would be to try and create an AL context first, to see if OpenAL is on the user’s system. If all goes well, then use that, but if it fails, then load the AL-soft library (basically using Al-soft as a fall-back option). I’ll run some tests when I get home in a few days (this deployment is finally almost over!) That way I’ll have access to my test machines so I can try out various combinations of OS’s and OpenAL installed or not.

I assume this is already done in LWJGL, it already uses OpenALSoft as a fallback.