How long were you programming with Java before you made your first game?

I started learning Java two weeks ago and I feel like the learning curve is very slow. Granted, two weeks is not very long. I’ve finished thenewboston’s beginner course, as well as multiple other video tutorials and I’ve even read Beginner Java for Dummies. I’d like to be able to program a simple game, without just copying code and following along with a Game Programming video tutorial (Which I tried, and ended up not knowing how to implement my own ideas). My only other programming knowledge is HTML and some GML from 5 or 6 years ago, when I was into Game Maker.

My question is, how long were you programming with Java before you made a game? I’m not talking about making a full fledged, 3D game-- But a simple side scroller or dungeon crawler or whatever. What’s a good next step to bridge what I’ve learned in these beginner courses with actual game programming?