How is JOGL related to J2SE

I’ve incorporated JOGL into a medical image viewer my company created, and I need to create a 1 page OTS doc for the FDA describing it as a third party library. Is the following statement accurate?

JSR-231 defines the classes and packages in Sun’s official OpenGL extension (“”), and JOGL is an implementation of JSR-231 along with some utility classes. With each new version of Java Standard Edition (J2SE), Sun chooses which of its packages and classes to include within its core distribution and which will be extensions to be downloaded separately. As of Java 1.6 Mustang, JSR-231 represents an extension that must be downloaded separately. Due to the large amount of native code associated with JSR-231 and the difficulty in porting it to every platform capable of running J2SE’s core packages, JSR-231 may never be incorporated into Java’s core distribution.

It’s accurate, though I would rephrase the last sentence. There are other reasons for wanting to keep JOGL unbundled from the core Java SE distribution; in particular, it allows JOGL to evolve more quickly. All of the native code associated with the JOGL implementation is autogenerated, and it already builds on all of the major supported Java SE platforms.
