How alive is the forum?

I’m pretty new, and have been here a few times in the past, but not for long, and now I am thinking that this may be a good long-term forum community to join, but it seems a little dead to me.

Am I just perceiving that, or is there some truth to it? Can long time users shed some light on this?

This fourm seems very alive, any problems i have seems to get answered by a variety of people within minutes

True, but to me there just seems to be a fairly small amount of activity. And I’m not criticizing the forum, I really like it! I am just asking to see what other, more veteran, users think. Because I am probably just seeing things that aren’t really a big deal.

I think the forum activity fluctuates based on the programming experience of the users online and the number of people online.

Yeah some people might just view the post but not reply because they don’t have the knowlage to help in the solution

Run! Head for the hills! Don’t trapped here like I di—muffled screams

You hear a loud CLANG, like a shovel hitting something in the distance

It’s a very alive and pretty awesome forum. I’ve been lurking here for a little over a year.
When I first came I was pretty naive and rarely posted. But as I read through the posts I became pretty verse in game development using OpenGL.
So I’ve recently started to give back to the community and offer my knowledge to help out those in the newbie section as I was helped (and am still helped!).

Final note: LONG LIVE JGO.

Also note that lots of people will be on holiday at this time of the year.

LOL. I literally just busted out laughing.

I guess I just had unnaturally high expectations coming from Geekhack where I’d refresh the page and there would be ~5 new posts. That was a bit overwhelming, though!

This forum has an ideal amount of activity in my opinion. I still have trouble catching up sometimes and let it to go to 5+ pages unread!

What you experienced at Geekhack sounds too overwhelming, I wouldn’t like that.

How on earth can people talk so much… about keyboards?!!

(Also, enjoy your accidental appreciation)

JGO is fairly small, but it’s the biggest among JGOs.

On a serious note: quality kindness over quantity. Yeah, I said it. There is the occasional slap on the wrist, but overall our moderators are sitting there, with a smile, twiddling their thumbs, watching the days go by, loving every minute of it, feeding ill informed posts to the chitchat monster out of the kindness of their hearts.

Rarely will you find forums with more constructive feedback about a new engine rotating a quad, alongside the latest OpenGL demos using compute shaders and fix-my-gameloop threads.

I love the activity level here. I’ve been dropping by nearly every day for years. Clicking ‘Show unread posts since last visit’ typically shows me nearly two, sometimes three, full pages of post. It’s easy to scan through and look for anything interesting without wondering if I’m missing anything. And the folks 'round here are friendly.

Been here a few years now. I quite like the pace of JGO. Not too spammy. It’s a comfortable visit-once-a-day site imho.

Awh lawd! I had to catch my breath after that one.

I am usually never out of this place, like seriously. Sometimes I literally just sit and click “Show unread posts since last visit” while the tutor talks some random shit.

This forum is active, 90% of the time people will reply to your post within 5 minutes. You get the odd post that just receives not activity and 100% of the time it is due to someone asking a question that could be solved by following the first result on Google, or the entire post is structured horribly.

On a more serious note, the reason I stay here on JGO is (most) of the topic matter is worth discussing. Sure, like all forums we have some goofy topics. But there’s a problem with large communities, as they no longer are communities anymore as much as “A bunch of people in one place.” when the numbers get too high (See: Official Steam, PlayStation or XBox forums for example)

Here on JGO, when people go missing someone asks about where they went, even if it’s not public. They still wonder “where did go?”. On a large forum you don’t get that, half the time you don’t even know anyone. They’re just a bunch of faceless usernames who reply to your threads.

Another good example was my original (obviously sarcastic) reply. Everyone here knows who I am, knows I was being a random goofball and knows I don’t normally act that way. If I made that same post on another forum with 100,000 members someone would of called me a troll or an idiot and it may of turned into a mini-flamewar where I had to go defend myself against some flamebaiter who gets pissy at people being “unprofessional” or something on some mini-mod social justice rant that makes no logical sense. But the people here are familiar with my usual content and know I don’t act that stupid unless I’m being stupid for stupid’s sake, and I don’t normally act that way.

JGO actually is very active, like Gibbo said, any good topic usually gets replies within 5 or 6 minutes. Most of us have our tab open to JGO most of the day, even when I was so busy with my Kickstarter I went MIA on JGO for a month or two, I was still here lurking. I just didn’t have time to post anything. Case in point, I bet about 2 minutes after I finish posting this the “users viewing this topic.” will jump to 5 or 6 instantly. While JGO isn’t very large, it is very active and usually the content is more valuable.

The not long winded tl;dr to all this; JGO is better because we actually act like a community, not 100,000 people thrown into a room who might have similar interests but have no idea who the other people are.

So True, i have looked for other good java related fourms but this seems to be the biggest and most active :slight_smile:

Good tl;dr, he is right you know. I’ve been an active member of various forums, my most notable would be the EVE Online forums where I am currently serving a life-time ban on 3 accounts. Why? Because the forum is not a community, or at least not a very friendly one. You can’t start a serious post if you tried.

Then there is the DirectX forums and forgive me if anyone here is an active member of that forum, but every ones head is so far up their asses I feel like I am being looked down upon (by a lot of people) whenever I ask a question.

This forum is the needle in the haystack, the diamond in the rough…like finding piss in the ocean. It’s rare, enjoy it while it lasts.