Hosting with Dropbox and other cloud systems

Talking about hosting you game to download and also updates/patches.

When one doesnt have money to spend on any servers - and traffic is expensive anyway - there are some cloud services one might use

  • DropBox
  • Amazon aws cloud stuff
  • MS Skydrive
  • Google Drive
  • iCloud

I am not sure which of these actually feature “public links”. like dropbox where you have a public folder and someone else can just access the url, because I only use Dropbox right now…

And the question is: What is the maximum bandwidth for these links then ?

Dropbox has a limit when public links are used too much it temporarily 404’s them.
I managed to figure out that its 10GB per day for Dropbox.

Anyway know if the other one feature such public links and what the bandwidth would be ? All comparison articles on the web, dont talk about this specific detail…

I use They are amazing. Their desktop client isn’t as good as Dropbox’s but their online interface is. They randomly give away new accounts with a lot of space too. They were giving away accounts with 50 GB around january. I got an enterprise account for free as well. I have 25gb atm :smiley:

I have 50GB of space with but it looks like I’ll never use it: max upload size is 250MB = very very bad.

Like I said, space is not the issue. For this purpose even 1GB would be enough…
but bandwidth/traffic limit…

I know this isn’t free, but you could buy hosting with, they have unlimited bandwidth. I’ve used them for the past 4ish years, and haven’t had any trouble with them.

Personally I find Amazon S3 pretty easy to use and an overall pleasant experience. Plus, it’s massively scalable for when my ‘soon’ to be finished awesome game will be released and everyone with an internet connection will want to buy it ;D

I’m even thinking about turning my website into a static one and hosting it on Amazon S3.

there is also googles app engine, which gives you free cloud hosting(within some limits, cpu time bandwidth per month)

wolfire uses it for the humble indy bundle sales. there is a blog post about it from them where they talk about how well it scales for such things.
have the service for free most of the time and when suddenly thousands of people want to download something you pay some bucks only for that event.

So google drive appearently has public links like dropbox, in google drive you share something, publicly, then click download and you get a long ass url but it just works…
not sure if it expires some day but yeah

of course not sure what the bandwidth limit is… but hey its google - cant be that bad

so my code can default to dropbox or the other way around if one isnt available…

I use a git repo in dropbox, if you meant storage :slight_smile:

Shameless self promotion: I offer free hosting for Java, Processing, and Android games at It’s still a work in progress, but I’m constantly working on upgrades and new features. You can even specify your own ads, so you can keep 100% of the revenue your game generates.

And I’m using Amazon web services behind the scenes, so scalability shouldn’t be an issue.

My hope is to create a community of Java developers, tutorials, and (optionally) open source games, but for now it’s at least an easy way to host Java games.