Hey all.
Don’t know why it took me so long to find my way here, but now i have!
I’m developing a game called Hostile Sector (http://www.hostilesector.com).
It’s a turn based, team oriented tactical browser game, mostly done in java, using jMonkeyEngine3.
I say “mostly” because i’m also using php for backend and js/html for a lot of the management functions.
Its focus is on tactical depth, soldier customization and social elements and i want to draw in the players who enjoy turn based tactical and strategic games (naturally) and who still want depth in their game experience.
So far it’s been in development for little over a year of mostly full time work and i hope to be able to ramp up marketing soon.
The teaser found on the site is from march, so naturally some things have happened since.
I’m interested in networking with other java game developers, and of course, if you find the game interesting and would like to playtest it, i’d like to get in contact as well!
(Edit: added the url)