Hoping to make a return to JGO...

Hi, everyone. It’s me, Cyan. I’m returning here because well, to be honest, it’s the only coding forum that ever felt like home to me. Only other site that comes close was Site Reference, and I think their site died. :frowning:

Anyway, I’ve been coding and deving in my away time, but don’t really have anything good to show for it. I left cause I stopped using Java, and haven’t gone back to it for a long time, infact, I still have no plans to use it - I enjoy MonoGame C#, and Unity too much for my game dev, and for everything else I use my webdev skills (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP)

But, I figured I’d see what my old friends were up to. I’m glad this place is still around :smiley:

I’ll mainly be here to discuss things, and give feedback on games. One thing my gamedeving life has given me is a great idea of what to do, and what not to do when developing stuff, so I might as well share that with those who need it.

Well, I’ll be seeing you guys around. :smiley:

Welcome back :slight_smile:

Thank you :smiley:

I remember ye, glad to have you back… I too have gone to the dark side… JS over the last two years; hell hath frozen over after 20 years of Java dev. I’ll soon be releasing a major documentation tool for ES6+ and Typescript (TJSDoc); hah, can’t shake that dev tools bug. I’ll be back with the one true language soon enough though… ;D

Welcome back! If you make something using a non-Java language you can always post it in the “What I did today” thread as inspiration for the rest of us, no Java required!
