Hiragana Piranha 4k

My first entry - Hiragana Piranha 4k

OK. I know this is a minority interest, but I’m hoping it’ll do better than last year’s Kana invaders.

It’s a typing game similar to Typer Shark. You have to type the romanization of each character to kill the piranhas before they get you.

I’ve still got a few bytes left, so suggestions are welcome.

Nice game, reminds me of that typing program I used to have. I couldn’t see any Japanese characters on the screen, they were white boxes. But I do have the Japanese language pack installed, and as proof of this, I can see http://www.japantimes.rakuten.co.jp/

This is on Ubuntu 6.10 linux, so depending on your view of linux, you might want to take it with a grain of salt :slight_smile:


Hello ASC,

Very well done.
I was working on someting similar, but yours is way better. I trash my version.

The romanized characters where shown but there where little boxes in the fish.
Java 1.5 running on Windows XP.

Best regards from


Hmm. I can see how that makes it difficult to play. :frowning:

Well it just worked for me on Mepis 6, Mac OS 10.4 and my Windows machine (which admittedly does have Asian language support), so I’m a little disappointed about that.

I didn’t have room for a rasterized font, so I had to use text. I’m asking for MS Gothic - the other OSes that I tried just chose a sensible alternative - no little white boxes anywhere.

Is there a way of finding which Japanese fonts are installed on a system?


But を is “wo” (Hepburn romanization).

And you can kill the つ (tsu) ones with “u”!? And there was another odd one… mmh.

I’m asking for MS Gothic[…]

Don’t. Use one of the logical fonts such as Dialog instead. With a logical font you have a way higher success rate.

True, but I didn’t think it was generally pronounced like that. I’ll fix it.

Ah yes, that’s a side effect of running out of space to code it properly. It’s a little lax on the ones with alternative spellings. But I found a few bytes the other day, so I can probably handle this now.


Changed the font to Dialog. Let me know if it works.

True, but I didn’t think it was generally pronounced like that.

Its pronounced like “o” for the most part, but “wo” is the standard for romaji.

And that tsu/u thing… I think your substringing is off by one there. If thats the case that “i” would match “shi” (si), chi (ti) and “u” would match “fu” (hu).

edit: The font is now a bit more curvy and a tad bigger. No issues here.
edit2: My theory was right so it seems. They do indeed match up like that.