An individual who has always been highly motivated by highly playable RPG games has embarked on making his own RPG system. I am obsessed with going back to the roots of both CRPG and Pen and Paper RPG games and making them play much deeper given the power of computing these days.
I am looking for a Java or c# (cross platform c#) graphic programmer who can implement graphics that look like this: for an extremely playable gaming experience.
The game itself is a true simulation engine, so it is turn based, and not real time.
I am also looking for an artists who can create (relatively static) art assets, and anyone who does any passionate freelance composing on the side to do some music.
I am creating an immersive simulated world, where mental toughness and character development is going to be more central than how many different finger combinations you can manage to create.
If you are interested, feel free to hit me up on email, or respond here.