hiding comments in Eclipse

I write lots of comments to mark what I have been doing in code, sometimes for every statement. I’m using Eclipse and I’m wondering is there a way to hide all that comments and show them when I need them? If not within the program itself, a plugin maybe?
I don’t have any plugins for Eclipse installed, so I was also wondering are there any very commonly used plugins which would make my life easier? … that kind where you can’t understand how did you do without them before (like me finding Eclipse :smiley: )

Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Folding select enable folding and check comments.

Folding is usually on by default, but no comment folding. This will only reduce Javadoc style comments to a single line. It dones not actually hide them.

Tnx but I see no changes in my code… comments are the same, multiple lined and single lined ones. What I was thinking of is complete removal of lines with only comments (but line numbers don’t change) and removal of comments in lines where there’s code also. Attempt to write something where hidden comment is would show the commet… This would help in visualization a lot.

your comments are definitely javadoc “/**” commentsnot just regular block comments “/*” (or single line “//”)

I don’t understand your point

// coment
/* multiline
comment /
* javadoc
comment */

<-- notice the three unique syntaxes

I got it, you guys are saying I can shorten it to single line if I use javadoc style comment… tnx but it dosen’t help as I need to get rid of single line comments mostly :wink: