Hi All.

Hi, this is probably a easy question to answer, but its totaly stumped me ???

Im an onld time OpenGL programmer, but new to jogl, i downloaded and had a pop with snippet 209 which works fine, untill i tried to get it to render in anything but wireframe. When i set teh polygone mode to GL_FLAT and added the following lines


The depth test just wouldent work, and i end up with the quads being rendered in drawn order, rather then z-ordered. As you can probably imagine this dosent look too prety :stuck_out_tongue:

Im probably doing something realy stupid, but i cant see what it is, any help would be realy appreciated.

Thanks all


Keep trying to strip down your example more. Take a look at the JOGL demos and try building an AWT example before diving into using the SWT (which we don’t directly support).

Ok, Ill also give it a go on a windows machine, just in case is something wrong there.



The same code works fine on windows, so ill assume its something not quite right with jogl rc3 for linux., ill give it another go when a later version comes out.


Just for anyone who is interested, it was a problem with my graphics card and drivers. very annoying issue :frowning:

Which card? Which driver? I’m really interested.