This is my first attempt at the java 4k competition. I’m learning to program, and i thought this would be a fun challenge. Here’s the first version of my game rocket4k. It needs a lot of work but the basic mechanics are there and its still under 4k. I haven’t tryed to make the code more compressable, so the source is probably ineffiecent size wise.
the controls are up and down accelerate deccelerate. left and right shoot out grappling hooks. the grappling hooks must hit the pink pylons to stick. Space releases the grappling hook. Try to get the ball, and don’t hit the black square.
you can download the .jar file here:
for some reason my internet browser shows it as a .zip, so you may have to download it and rename it to a .jar
any suggestions would be much appreciated as this game is still in the very early stages of development, and you still can’t die. Thanks, and have fun
UPDATE:: I changed the controls a bit, so that when you are swinging around and you press the oppisite grapple key, it releases and that grapple shoots out, thanks for the idea; space still releases with out throwing out a grapple
also, i’m finding it difficult to make a working webstart, i feel like a fool!!!
webstart version