Hercules And The Princess Of Troy



NAME: Hercules and the Princess of Troy
SIZE: 2.33MB
TYPE: .zip
DOWNLOAD: Hercules and the Princess of Troy
DESCRIPTION: You pretty much go around with a bow and sword killing enemies through 8 levels and fighting it off with 5 boss levels. This game seems to take skill, but it’s fun to wall jump and ceiling climb! Once you beat the game, and watch all the credits, you are rewarded with a nice set of cheats(including various weapons/invicibility)
STORY: Hercules, a Greek Hero whose father was a God and whose mother was mere mortal, had many great Adventures. But perhaps the greatest of all was in saving his friend, Hesione. Hesione was the daughter of the King of Troy, Laomedon. King Laomedon had two great gods, Poseidon and Apollo, build him the great walls of Troy. But as the gods had completed their creation, King Laomedon refused to pay them for building the walls. As punishment, Poseidon sent a large sea monster to kill Hesione. Hercules would not allow this tragedy to happen. And thus, another of his great adventures had begun!
Read the “Readme!” file that comes with this game, it should answer most of your questions.
I made this game for a Latin Project. Except, her version I made autorun from cd. I am awaiting my grade for it :slight_smile:

Comments are very much appreciated, Thankyou.

-Took nvs225’s bow suggestion so that the circle now follows the view.

Cool game.

Wow I looked at that at first and thought, “great, another standard platformer clone”, but it turns out this is pretty high quality! The best thing about it is probably that it isn’t the standard platformer, and you definately created your own game when you did this. I can’t really think of any game that plays like this.

And it’s quite fun too. Tutorial was an excellent idea and really adds professionalism. Plus, who doesn’t like owning pumpkins? Oh and absolutely great job on those blob effects. Squishing a mass of pumpkins or watching poison drops leak out from the arrow really adds something dynamic to the visuals. Simple though it may be, it’s not precalculated and is pretty cool to watch. Collision detection seems dead on as well. Sword/head contact is perfect. I bet the climbing system you used is fairly complicated but I haven’t run into a single issue with how it functions. Everything is as expected.

The only thing I minorly dislike is the arrow system. I’m guessing you tried a few different things already so maybe I’m wrong in saying this (it is an opinion, though), but I think you should have made the arrow firing in relation to the main character. Well, ok, I guess you wanted the pull back thing… what if you made the circle move when the screen moves? The key issue here is if you’re moving, it’s really hard to maintain the same aim. Having the pivoting point move around was perhaps not the best way to do it. But that doesn’t ruin anything. Game is still great and seems to have a very good difficulty curve (I’m struggling a little on the recruitment stage with the tons of archers, but it’s definately possible).

So anyway, you did this entirely in Java2D then? I’m assuming the game is java since you posted it here but you never explicity said what you coded it in or what you used to draw the graphics.

Ok that’s all in my head for now. Any chance you could add more levels later? I’m not finished yet, but a version 2.0 or 1.5 would be cool. :slight_smile:

Edit: Just won the game and got to the cheats… man those are some good codes :slight_smile: Does it take significantly more time to code stuff like a shotgun and grenade or did you not care because it’s just fun?