Help: my 2dText jitters when updated

I’m using a 2D text object to draw onto the view, and everything looks pretty good – so long as I just display the text and leave it alone. i can move around, change my view, etc., and everything looks great.

The problem is: if I replace the text – for example, if the text contains “time remaining: 15.07 sec” and I update every frame, the text “jitters” in the direction of the view’s movement.

My basic logic for updating the text is:

  scene.addChild (newTextBG);
  if (oldTextBG != null)
  oldTextBG = newTextBG;

When I do this, every time the text updates, if I’m turning to the right, the text is off-to-the-left for 1 frame; if I turn to the left, it’s off-to-the-right. Etc., if I’m moving fwd or backwards.

Again, I can move all around and everything’s fine if I just leave the same text up there, not replacing it.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong? Any hints?



I’m still stuck on this. Surely SOMEONE knows the answer…!
