Hello All :o
First, can someone please direct me to some Web Start tutorials? I am totally clueless when it comes to Web Start, and I can’t seem to find a 100% beginner tutorial on how to create a Web Start program, have it download/install JOGL, and how to make it available on the web. I just don’t get it. ???
Ok, now my other question. I’ve seen this asked before, but I have never seen it answered. How do you deploy your game without Web Start? I would like this because some people would like to download my game and then play it where there is little or no internet. This is usually the reason why people download games. You go to your grandmother’s, and there isn’t any internet, so you want something to do. You’re at school where the internet blocks websites, etc. This way you can download it at home and then play it wherever you want. I will describe in detail how I would like this to be done:
1.) The user downloads my game (.zip file) and then extracts it to a folder. Then inside of the folder are three files: GameInstall.jar, GameRun.jar, and GameData.jar.
2.) The user double clicks (or does java -jar) on GameInstall.jar. It first asks you what directory you would like to install (or update) JOGL into. Then it begins to install it there.
NOW, I would think that this would be possible? If a Web Start program can download and install from https://jogl.dev.java.net/webstart/jogl.jnlp, then I should be able to do the same! How would I use Java networking to download something from the internet and install it? Is there not networking/socket code in Java to allow us to download and install something from the internet? If this is not possible, then could I make Java Web Start program that does nothing but installs JOGL and a dummy .jar file? This has to 100% work, then my program just uses that directory, right?
I just don’t see how this is impossible to do. :-\
Please reply, thanks.