Help:  How can I get a free test cell phone?

I have just finished a game that will run on a MIDP 1.0 phone.

Do any of you know of any cellphone providers (Nokia, Motorola, etc.) or cell network operators (Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) that provide a free cell phone to game developers?

In my particular case, I do not need to test the network/no stuff.

I just want to see how the game will look and play on a real-life phone. I have tried the various emulators and have been really frustrated with the inconsistent screen layout – I hope that this will not be the case with the actual phones.

(Inconsistent == I mean that the emulator/phone does not follow the MIDP spec in certain key areas, such as the javax.microedition.lcdui.List items being cut-off in series 60 Nokia phones, and, on all emulators, javax.microedition.lcdui.ImageItem’s layout setting being ignored, in some cases).

thank you in advance


I think you’ll find that the emulators give an accurate idea of how varied the screen layouts are. The emulators vary in how accurately they match the real phones, but e.g. most of Nokia’s emulators (those without ‘Concept’ in the name) use the actual phone software and are hence quite accurate in how they emulate the screen layout.

Some manufacturers and operators provide free ‘loaner’ phones (e.g. Forum Nokia USA), but generally only to commercial developers.