I have just finished a game that will run on a MIDP 1.0 phone.
Do any of you know of any cellphone providers (Nokia, Motorola, etc.) or cell network operators (Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) that provide a free cell phone to game developers?
In my particular case, I do not need to test the network/no java.microedition.io stuff.
I just want to see how the game will look and play on a real-life phone. I have tried the various emulators and have been really frustrated with the inconsistent screen layout – I hope that this will not be the case with the actual phones.
(Inconsistent == I mean that the emulator/phone does not follow the MIDP spec in certain key areas, such as the javax.microedition.lcdui.List items being cut-off in series 60 Nokia phones, and, on all emulators, javax.microedition.lcdui.ImageItem’s layout setting being ignored, in some cases).
thank you in advance