Heightmap tesselation online Applet sample

Long time without any Applets!

So as I love applets and because I found an old sources code while I was looking for a file in my computer, I decided to share it.

Sample applet that show tesselation of an heightmap in realtime, source code can be downloaded from the given link.


PS: I tried to clean source code but it can still appear a bit messy.

PS2: would be great to be able to include Applet (I mean unsigned ofcourse) as we can include Image on JGO forum, no ?

What a cool idea! How about a competition for the best mini-game or graphics effect?

What a cool idea! How about a competition for the best mini-game or graphics effect?

yep, that’s would be cool too, but i was more talking to something that I found annoying, the forum only allow displaying images on posts, it would be great to be able to display dynamic content as Applets, it is sometime usefull and so people doesn’t have to go to another Web site to understand you post ? may be the abylity to add a link to an applet (that display the applet in the post) as we can already link to an image that is displayed in the post would be great.

PS: I fortgot to mention that the given applet only show the dynamic LOD engine in action in 2D fo simplicity but the class provided in source code zip file works and is made for 3D use.

I am against applets in forums in general. Unfortunately there are still cases, applets do freeze the browser or take a huge amount of time for loading. Just think about “Hey, I’ve made this applet that’s having a deadlock - could you please test it on your system?” ;P. Linking to an external page containing the applet is good enough imho.

Maybe when the next java plugin version (which afaik runs in a separate process and uses the “java kernel”) is wide spread enough, we could think about this.

yup I understand what you mean.

But a frozing applet can be removed by moderators as well as an image link that would be too big ?

also even when the next java plugin will be on many platforms, they will still be a lot of with old one.


maybe displaying an image sized to target applet size that show a simple text click to run applet would do the job ? once you click applet start. so the forum reader will choose or not to run applet. also ability to provide image that is shown instead of the applet would be great, it could be a snapshot of the applet running.

I’m happy with the good sense in this - but you gotta admit it would’ve been fun!

@ Dzzd - that tesselation code is pretty handy - I’m trying to get a software-rendering ‘boundless’ 3D landscape engine together and this may help! thx