HEEEELLPPP, Md2 related

Hi all,
I made my md2 model, all well and fine, with textures and all, and in the modeler, it renders fine. When I export it into 3ds format, and use qdata to obtain the md2 using:

qdata -3ds mySlug.qdt

where mySlug.qdt is this: (a text file)

$cd slug
$modelname slug.md2
$skin SlugSkin
$origin 0 0 0
$base SlugFrame1
$frame SlugFrame1

my problem resides in the skin area. Without it I get a perfect model, but without a skin!

now my problem resides in qdata itself, it needs the SlugSkin file to be in lbm format (Deluxe Paint??)

Alot of people have made md2 models using 3dsmax, but how are they changing their bmp/png/jpg…whatever to lbm?

ive been searching the internet and only found programs what change to interleaved lbm, i need packed lbm. Ive tried em nevertheless and thats what qdata tells me.

I don’t wish to get QTip because it sux. Any other ideas?