Hey guys,
I’ve just finished putting together a tech demo in the 3d engine I am working on, it’s more to iron out some little bugs in the engine then to show off a fully featured demo, but that’s not to say that it can’t look pretty is it?
The demo was written in lwjgl and makes use of some pretty advanced OpenGL features, it uses a light based forward shading method and accumulates the effect of each light on the scene into an offscreen float texture. The next part of the render takes the float texture and ‘copies’ any values from the image which are >1 into a 512x512 buffer. This buffer is then Gaussian blurred along the x axis, then y axis (This method is discussed in the GPU Gems book) 3 times so that a nice smooth blur exists on the texture. This is then overlayed on the original image to create the HDR portions of the final scene.
The demo requires the following:
OpenGL 2.0 Support
And it is recommended that GL_ARB_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE is also present, but is not needed (The fallback path to normal power of 2 textures has not been extensively tested)
w,a,s,d to walk around
mouse to look
h to toggle HDR
Known issues:
There is some form of depth buffer corruption occurring on mac osx, if anyone sees this and has suggestions feel free to offer them, I would appreciate it greatly.
The keyboard input is not being debounced at the moment, this means it make take a few hits of the ‘h’ key for the toggle to actually work.
If the demo crashes in flames or errors out in a bad way please post the log so I can fix the issue. The log is called “gameenginelog.txt” and will be created in the deploy path for your webstart. The log is also printed to the console, so you can also cut and paste from there.