As mentioned in this thread:,20886.0.html
…there seems to be a problem with hardware support for 3D acceleration on Android. I couldn’t get it to work on a Samsung Galaxy. Not with my own code, not with the examples from Google’s SDK…it’s all rendered in software. I’ve seen some demos/games (Omnigsoft) that use it even on my phone, but they seem to rely on their own, native libraries (judging from the debug output) and i’ve found a lot of blah on the internet that it is possible…but none of those posters has actually tried it or at least not with something more complex than a spinning cube.
I’ve also found a post from Google, that 1.0 couldn’t do it and i found a statement in a german forum, that the native SDK (NDK) can’t do it either even with Android 1.5. So my guess is, that just isn’t possible right now.
Has anybody found a statement from Google on this? 3D on Android seems to be low on priority for them…