Handling re-size in a voxel engine

I want to make my display resizable, so I made a simple re-size method that sets the glOrtho to the resolution of the new window.

It works flawlessly, and all. But there is too much being shown, you can see the bottom of the world and I don’t like it. It takes the player away from the game.

So I thought of a few ways to handle this:

  1. Leave it how it is and fade the bottom to black, making it look bottomless
  2. Making a new block that is unbreakable (Like bedrock in minecraft)
  3. Extending it EXTREAMLY far down so it is really hard to get there *Performance killer
  4. Resizing all the objects on the screen, so whenever you resize, the player sees everything as before
    but in a higher resolution. *Made a topic earlier, found out it was more complicated than I
    thought it ever would be.

If you have any other ways I can handle this, that would be awesome!

if its a voxel engine how can you extend down to see the bottom of the world, its 3D.

Anyway, some games have an option menu that includes a resize drop down list. It gives you different possible resize values that maintain the same width:height ratio

Thanks for the reply, but its 2D, and I meant the blocks only render down to a certain point. I was wondering how to handle that certain point when the display is re-sized enough.

You use that point just the way you used the first one?

Your question really makes no sense… and voxel is a term for a “3D” pixel. Not to be interchanged with say “tile” in 2D.

Oh, sorry. I just thought it meant destructible terrain through a block system.

Well, the title or at least the explanation should have contained ‘2D’ anyway.