Hackers' Haven

Can you add a screenshot to your first post? pretty please

That way it shows up on the WIP game listing :point:

Word of warning: please don’t make the glowy art overly bright. When I play games, I’m usually already tired and don’t want to look at bright flashy stuff.

lol Well, that would kind of ruin the whole look. There will be changes to make it more mellow though, and the world itself is really dark, except the lines. It’s suppose to feel like 80’s virtual reality but with a more modern style.

On another note, I’m having issues with the scaling, working on it, but it’s just not placing things correctly yet in the loader and I can’t figure out why. I actually can’t play these type of games, 3D games make me dizzy, so it slows development a bit when I have to take breaks just to let my head stop spinning. So if you’re wondering why it’s taking so long to get the demo working, it’s because right now I’m working on that part that makes me dizzy to test.

Actually, Jimmt, I tested out some darker coloring, and it does look a bit better. So, yeah, thanks for the advice.


Slight delay, not much of one really. The library I was using for the graphics may not work out too well, so I’m probably going to do what I should have done anyway and develop my own graphics routines. Which will benefit the game a lot because there are some nifty effects I discovered a long time ago using OpenGL which are just not available on any of the libraries, not even the big ones. Such as altering the shadow and specular colors per object, just for one example, which, if done correctly, can produce better glowing effect without any extra work on the processor.

Okay, coding in raw OpenGL … not as annoying as I thought. I will release the graphics+game library as well, which will be open source. I have way better material settings and shaders than previously demonstrated, and they’ll work on older graphics cards as well, as old as 2006 at least, as that is what I am testing it with and developing it on. I may go up to 2008 but nothing newer as I don’t want to alienate too many computer users, and that’s part of why I ditched jPCT for this. The library I am working on only uses pure OpenGL and mostly modern stuff, there should at least be extensions available for your card to support it. Current test runs include 8 lights per object, unlimited in the world environment, multipass rendering with and without FBOs, and a very simple but elaborate material system that mimics Blender’s materials very closely, with lower quality results as it’s real time and to do raytracing the exactly how Blender does would not be possible in real time. Even wrote the engine using Blender units though the Y/Z coordinates are exchanged, as I prefer that coordinate system anyway.

In other words, lots of new coming.

To give an idea of what the new rendering engine will look like:


Full armature/skeleton support for animated meshes, two texture layers, one for diffuse the other for emit. Though my library actually has capabilities for 3, to keep my target audience a little wider I opted to skip the specular highlights to reduce GPU/CPU drain, since my target audience are the generic computer users not hardcore gamers I have to accommodate a lot of low level capabilities. Most of the engine is low level stuff, using pure VBO/VAO objects, even layered VBOs as well.

The “camera” object is a game camera specifically, so all movements are based on the same coordinates as objects. Object linking is hierarchical as well, and textures are fully dynamic, you can paint on them very easily. There is also a low memory, fast, texture sequence in the core engine. Working on the new GUI engine next. I will be caught back up in about a week, I think, give or take a few days.

What do you mean by ‘layered VBOs’ ?

I really described that badly. I should have stated shared VBOs, I think. I was half asleep when I typed that out. lol

Bascially, one VBO can contain several objects instead of one object per set of VBOs, using offsets and counts that are easily managed inside the mesh object classes for quick reference.

I absolutely love the look you’ve gone for, the black sky and and what not