
I managed to stay on task all day yesterday :wink: I guess the game is safe to leave online ;D

I like it !!!

but saving it is a must. also maybe a pop up help screen for some more keyboard commands.

thanks for the tip on using ‘H’.

newbie, troy nall :slight_smile:

I realize I’m going to ruin the fun by pointing out this bug, but there’s bug in the healing mechanism.

Let’s say I’m level 3, and can therefore heal 2 hitpoints per attempt. Now, my my health is 20 HP, and my current health is 7 (or any other odd number). Since I can heal 2 points for each attempt, it’s possible for me to heal 1 point higher than my max (in this case 21 points), because I’m starting to heal on an odd number.

The situation also applies if my MAX health is an even number, and I start to heal from a currently odd number of hitpoints. This only occurs after you level up, and after you can heal more than 1 point per attempt.

Alright, so no more getting away with that then. Boo! Hiss!

Wow, I can’t believe anyone is actually still playing it! :slight_smile:

Its spawned a new game development for me…


That just goes to show you how long it’s been since I’ve read the 4K section, that’s all. I actually don’t care whether you change it or not - it’s one of those good bugs.

So, you’re working on something else then?

Yeah, its actually inspired by hack - http://www.cokeandcode.com/asd/v2


