Gunslugs 2 - completed

thanks! was pretty cool to get that indeed :slight_smile:

Big sales spike?

Cas :slight_smile:

it was short after release, so itā€™s part of the release spike :wink:
but it does make for nice long-tail sales (pretty sure it helps having it on the editor-choice page)

moved to Feature Games. Congrats on the release!

Iā€™m very new to this form but just wanted to say, great game! Looks great visually and the gameplay looks awesomly fast paced! nice job! :slight_smile:

Hi FabulousFellini, welcome to JGO! I just want to point out for future reference, itā€™s not socially acceptable to revive very old threads. The general limit is somewhere between 1-2 months.

Regardless, this is a great game, completely forgot about it! @orangepascal, how have release and sales been?

This game looks pretty sweet. Itā€™s a punch in the face for people who think Java isnā€™t meant to be used to make games ;D

Got it, thanks for the headsup!

It was my first PC release and first Steam releaseā€¦ so it was a bit bumpy, but overall not bad.
learned some much needed info on what not to do, and what to do when it comes to PC games :wink:

sales have been fair, not huge, but bundles and other deals made it more then interesting enough to stick with PC releases (besides my mobile releases)

@orangepascal just beat the game! Great game. That last boss was hard as hell and took me probably 20 times to beat! So I just wanted to say nice job.

P.S. sorry @ra4King, I know Iā€™m not supposed to comment on a thread this old, but I didnā€™t see a need to start a new one to say itā€™s a great game!

haha cool to hear! :slight_smile: