haha, this is awesome and addicting :).

would be cool to continue this past the 4k limit.

That’s very likely. I’m on mac, and this is my dev computer at work, running a jetty server and a mysql database.
However, other games aren’t as jerky for me. It kinda blinked, like it was redoing the layout, and jerked.
Still, entertaining. =)

Wow, this really has that GTA feel. I was doing Ok, splatting my marks then had a head on with a police car :slight_smile:
The frame rate was Ok (but not completely smooth) on this laptop (Core 2 Duo, but integrated graphics).
I might have to play again in a minute.


This game is very fun, thank you very much. Do you plan to release the source code after the contest?

No sure but I found it a lot easier now, I hardly saw any cops. I won with $1880.

Couple of little tweaks added…
I’m blithely assuming that the pack.gz files are going to work! Is there any way to test them without actually setting up a server?

[quote]I’m blithely assuming that the pack.gz files are going to work! Is there any way to test them without actually setting up a server?
Actualy, I was wondering exactly the same thing today.

When I tested locally, I found that renaming the archive (to from xx.jar to xx.jar.gz in your tag) did not work…

However the below worked… Except that it doesnt work if the L.jar file is not in the same directory (which brings me to think its not actually looking at the L.jar.gz version at all)… Hopefully some kind soul can clarify.

$1220 without cop car ;]

dunno why it doesnt work on my laptop
here on my pc I have appearently jdk1.6.0_13
Laptop may have 15 or 17
but that shouldnt matter, now should it