Griefer 4k

Hi, here another current 4k game I am working on.

In this game your main objective is to do what the name says, be a griefer.
Annoy the others who are building up silly blocky buildings :stuck_out_tongue:


Mouse Left-Click: move to location
Mouse Right-Click: ignite TNT
SPACE: place TNT (10 at most)

Enjoy, and give me some feedback.

blowing up myself ! =D

pretty interesting though - not like anything I have seen

if anything, it reminds me of Tanya from Command & Conquer

oh nice, this is surprisingly cool.

√ery cool and original!

Took me a while to figure out the controls because the commands were too far down on the screen and I didn’t see the scroll bar.

[edit] If you have any extra bytes to spare I don’t think you need any gameplay improvements. Add sound instead!

SoundFX is a good idea. I should have some space left for that.
(the code is far from optimized yet)

Also there should be some other buildingtypes to be added.
Looks too much like a “stalker wasteland” with these buildings.

This is ridiculously cool. The controls could use some refinement though… going close to the bombs and activating them by clicking of them is a bit of a pain… perhaps infinite activation range would be better?

I stuck on tree (the pathfinding not worked)
also, if a bomb is covered with building (out of sight), it can’t exploded?

The bombs explode within a radius of 15, (you dont need to click on them, just right-click anywhere when you stand close enough,
best is to do this while walking away from the last dropped TNT.)

and they have an exlosionrange of 10. The buildings dont obstruct them.
->(Use arrow keys to rotate the view, in case they are hidden)

The movement is very simple, there is not pathfinding. Any 2block high obstacle blocks the griefers way.
Just click behind him, to make him move back if you get suck.

I made him beeing rendered though the walls, so the players does not “loose” him.
Thats probbably the bug you showed.
I hive to add a shadow to the griefer too.

I have added soundFx.

Please check if it runs fine.
There might be still some issues with the soundsystem.

oh that’s the truth :wink:

I like Rivens shrink tool,
I added sound and now the pack200 archive is still only 3542bytes
with my simple local testscript i pack it to only 4100 bytes

Tuned some small things, to get some distraction from my current new game.

If you experience any weired “overdraw” or jittering please report.

I just saw this posted to the November Roundup for Experimental Gameplay. Congrats!

Was placing it there for fun.

Its a nice constantly running competition, organizing like every Month a new contest around a specific theme.

I enjoyed this game!

Like the others, I think shoving some effects in there (sound and particles) would be the best way to add to the game.

You said the griefer is blocked by 2-tall blocks, does that mean he can climb 1-tall ones? If so, you should see if you can find a way to put staircases and hills in to take advantage of that. Hopefully there’s some clever gameplay trick that can be added using that, as well.

thanks for the comments.

(There are 2 generated soundeffects in, placing and explosion, more would eat a bit too much space)

The Griefer walks on a flat plane. Where his “head” voxel determines the collision. So he can
walk though these little doors in the building.

I did not implement a terrain and climbing. Would be possible, but a bit hard to control for the player as
the Objects are very small, and rendering a bumby terrain adds up to the number of voxels rendered.
Walking inside buildings/staircases would be confusing due to the small size, so I just kept it all a flat terrain.
(originally I planed on a shooter Wasteland game, but I thought this blowing up gameplay might be too funny to discard the idea)

My plan was to insert more buildingtypes, and some colorscemes for different levels. But
Im quite tight with the size. I could remove one funny easteregg and get back some bytes.
But maybe I just make a non competition version of it, where I add lots of additional features then.

Working on my next game already with focus on AI.

Random spider?

I’m amazed how can something like this “3D” can be 4kb ::slight_smile:

Really cool and fun game - what is the spider good for?

Can you publish the source (for learning purposes)?


Just came back from trip to Asia.
Much nicer weather there.

That easteregg would work better in fullscreen :wink: though.
Also Wanted to see if a polygonobject still fits in.

Now going on to work further on the next game.
Have a bit of a hanger there though.