"Goto's won't die" paper review

Bret Victor twittered this link: http://www.fang.ece.ufl.edu/reject.html

I find that incredibly amusing :smiley: Let’s see where the programming world goes in the next 30 years :slight_smile: As you see, we can’t be sure that everything is going to be like right now. I’m even pretty sure it won’t be :wink:

I find it quite frightening, I am aiming to make programming my career and the pace at the digital world changes is insane. It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, I consider myself extremely computer literate and I pick up things pretty fast but then again…

Still, one day I can see it racing ahead of me. Like last year I was making the move to build a new PC, I spent about £500 on components. After months of research and reading Overclockers.net forum for advice and watching out for deals, I get my PC.

I don’t pay attention to that site for 7-8 month, so much shit came out and so much price crashes.