
A wierd sorta platformer thing that was trying to be like loco roco but really isn’t getting that close :wink:


Rotate the world, slide and gloop mommy around.

~ The evil Dr Waytootense has captured your children and in an act of insanity has trapped them in anti-gloop fields within his dangerous underground lair. You, as big momma gloop, have found your way into the lair. Can you navigate the lair without being spiked and rescue your babies? Can you do it in time!? ~


Awww… fatzo is sooo cute ;D

Finally! You know I love it :slight_smile:

Totally awesome. Not often you come across a 100% original game idea that’s actually fun. And in 4k!!

Cas :slight_smile:

Wow! Awesome!
A very nice character, too.
I like the fact the ball grows each time it rescues a mini-ball. The deformable part is great too.

Great game as usual.

It would be good if there was some indication as to which direction the next babie is. I found myself lost a few times.

Hi Kev,

Incredible as always!

I second the opinion from Rick and I would like some kind of radar also.
Not sure if there is room for this in the code?!!

Kind regards from

great game kev!

i dont like the idea of a radar or whatever… being lost in a maze is half the fun (and the purpose of being in a maze)

funny! did you know about gish or was loco roco the only inspiration?

Loco Roco was the inspiration, but I was aware of Gish. It only triggered later in development that there were also links there.


As always a great game Kev!

I guess that instead of a radar, on could have a minimap of already visited areas. Would be quite nice, but already impressive to cram this into 4K as it is.

What about instead of radar. The eyes looked in the direction of the next baby.

While this might be helpful, I don’t think it’s necessary. Getting lost while searching seems to just be part of the game.

My only suggestion for improvement would be randomly generated levels, and more of them.

Love it!