

I myself have gotten wrapped up into making 4K games! It’s rare any of my projects ever get finished so making 4K games gives me a feeling of accomplisment (or something) :smiley:

Everyone’s favorite thing to do in the classic mario games is to pull off the biggest goomba STOMPING combo possible.

The goal of this game is just that - stomp as many goombas as possible without touching the ground (or getting hit by a bullet bill)

Innovative controls:

[]Space - start the game
]Left arrow - fall towards the left
[*]Right arrow - fall towards the right

Every 5 points will permanently remove 1 goomba from the playing field (so there will be less to land on). The goomba count goes as low as 5 goombas. Once you’ve reached 10 points, Bullet Bills will be shot you and they are LETHAL! - so lethal that not even Mario can jump on them!

Special game features that’s sure to make your jaw drop:

[]fully animated Goombas!
]amazing bouncing capabilities!
[]breath-taking view of clouds!
]complete with splattering Goomba guts!
[*]4086 bytes of non stop action!

How many goombas can you stomp?

bugs/suggestions/comments welcome :slight_smile:

Great, sort of the same basic idea as my Freefall, only much better.

Anyway - the frame starts in the top left corner, and I can’t move it because I don’t see the title bar. Only see a small part of the window, and that, my friend, makes the game really hard. Please set window location properly :wink:

Same is happening here.

odd - it’s coded to be centered on the screen (exact code as Warpstar4K). you tried lauching it more than once? what OS? :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe I’ll just do a setLocation(100,100) for the moment

edit: now uses setLocation(100,100) - clear your cache etc and launch it again please? :slight_smile:

WinXP, Java1.5.

Funky game btw. (you can still manually position it via the key shortcuts for the window positioning menu. i.e. alt->down->down->enter->down->move mouse)

I love this game. Truly. Very, very addicting - gameplay might be best this year :slight_smile:

EDIT: Highscore 26 so far, but I only saw part of the window at the time :>

EDIT2: 38.

This game is awesome. :smiley:
I had the same problem as Morre with the window outside the screen.

But, I hate the goombas AI. They tend to flee from me and leave a big empty space right below me. ::slight_smile:

hehe thats great fun and very addictive, was suprised though to see that you can’t jump on the bullets (like in the mario games :slight_smile: ) but other than that its pretty fun.

Nice game! Kudos to you! I would have changed the sky color a tiny bit from your other entry, just to differenciate them (and if you have made it the way I suspect it wouldn’t take you many seconds). :slight_smile:

Two ideas for bonuses / events would be:
Magnet - The Goombas movement are always towards you for 5 seconds.
Luigi - Luigi comes in and starts jumping on Goomba’s as well, stealing the show. You must jump on him so that he disappears.

Nice game. i got score of 25. :slight_smile:

I got a 32, woo! :slight_smile:

thanks for the feedback everyone :slight_smile:

I know the bullet thing is a bit surprising, but the game would be too easy if you could bounce off of it I think. maybe I’ll tweak it to where you can bounce on the bullet but if you collide with it on the side you’re dead. I originally had it to where the goombas that fall from the sky could kill you but it was waaaay too hard to try to dodge those things.

is anyone else getting the window-off-of-screen error? (besides the first two people who tried it) - if so, those two probably need to clear their cache

edit: I love that magnet and luigi idea! genius!! I’ll try to crunch those in (maybe remove clouds/bullets)

60 points :smiley:

I’m not getting the window error any more. Air combos could be a nice thing, not sure… That is, the more goombas you hit that are in the air rather then on the ground, the more points you get… first one is 1 point, second is 2, third is 3, and so on… or third is 2, whatever is balanced. :slight_smile:

Works fine for me :slight_smile: I’m not very good though.


[quote]edit: I love that magnet and luigi idea! genius!! I’ll try to crunch those in (maybe remove clouds/bullets)
Glad that you liked them! I’m waiting to se Luigi in there! :slight_smile:

[quote]I’m not getting the window error any more. Air combos could be a nice thing, not sure… That is, the more goombas you hit that are in the air rather then on the ground, the more points you get… first one is 1 point, second is 2, third is 3, and so on… or third is 2, whatever is balanced. Smiley
I also thought about combos before giving my ideas, but it would be more based on luck then on skill don’t you think? Personally I am way to slow to actually touch a falling goomba on purpose, it “just happens” for me and combinations should reward skillful play. It might just be me being slow though! :slight_smile:

Not a bad entry at all. Surprisingly challenging as time goes on, fairly good balance of difficulty level.

Anywho, 42 right now :slight_smile: I got stuck next to a bullet where the only goomba in my direction was right next to it.

EDIT: 75!!! It ended when I had to pop a goomba on the right side of the screen and the other ones were actually too far to the left for me to be able to reach them anymore.

Donald: Thing is, you can get them on the “bounce”, meaning they’re easier to catch, takes some skill, and you still don’t catch the ground :slight_smile:

EDIT: You beat my highscore, grats :slight_smile:

EDIT2: Tiny bug - when stuck between two gombas you sometimes die mid-air, on the height that the bullets are but without any actual bullets there. Also, you can fall through the gombas to the ground without collision detection doing anything about it :slight_smile:

LOL. Awesome game.

But the timing sucks. You used some simple sleep again, ne?

One of the bugs, the one when you die mid-air, seems to happen when one goomba enters your area from the side (via bouncing), and when you at the same time hit a ground-goomba from above. You simply fall through a pixel or so, then the game resets mid-air. Several of my friends have this as well.

Ok, I hate this game. It will ruin my lectures, totally. I just cant stop playing it!
Hope you are happy now, I’ve played this game for several hours now instead of studying. >:( :stuck_out_tongue: