Google Plus or Google+

I don’t know if anyone here really cares or not. But I thought I would put it out there because for a while I didn’t have anyone who can send me an invite.

If you are interested in getting an invite, as its invite only right now. Just PM me your gmail address and I will send you an invite. Its still early beta so there isn’t a whole lot there yet. Its nothing “earth shatteringly new” or anything yet.

But without more people and more things(pictures/links) etc… to post and fill it, its pretty much an empty shell of things.

The usercap/invites were opened up last night. They apparently keep opening/closing them constantly.
I think they are still open now for if you get invited. but I will try still. Its not like gmail where you have “# of invites” its sorta weird.

edit 2x: Just sent out a bunch of invites to those who msg’d me and to those who posted here.
edit 3x: sad face :frowning: have sent out over 20 invites and 0 appreciation, haha I’m an appreciation whore with no love

Email is listed on my JGO profile page. Invite me!!!

I got invited… I just don’t care *shrug
I’m not even on Facebook D=

Capping the influx of new members in a social network is by far the worst mistake - evah :yawn:

oh, I thought it was a pretty good move, it create artificial demand and hype for a service that people would otherwise not care about. Just like this thread :slight_smile:

I got nerfed by the age limit. Yaaay :clue:

The only power of a social network is to have as much members as possible.

Creating an artificial cap was a success for gmail, but that was basically because gmail used an existing feature (email) that it ‘just’ wrote another frontend for. Everybody within gmail could communicate with everybody, and everybody could communicate with gmail-accounts.

Not so with a social network: you can only communicate with people that are a member too. Hence you want to make it as easy as possible for people to get in.

My $0.02…

Ya, the capping turned out so bad for Facebook :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone remember the south-park where Cartman buys a theme-park and doesn’t let anyone in? When in doubt just check to see if it worked in a cartoon first.

Thanks namrog :slight_smile:

Everything needs a beta period. It also worked well for Facebook. At the start it was restricted to a very small set of schools and was small, this was back when myspace was taking off.

If google+ works or not, the limited numbers at the start will not be the reason for failure. And if anyone can steal facebooks thunder its google. However that is a big if.

We’ve seen exactly the same strategy fail for GoogleWave.

Everybody wanted to try it during the hype, barely anyone could, and everybody that could, had nobody to communicate with.

yeah, Iw as thinking thta myself, cause both when I got into google wave, and right now, I find that as soon as i set it up, there is nothing left to do with it… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ironically almost everyone i want to keep in touch with is now already on google+.

Mind you i did get them all onto google mail in the first place.

When I got my invite, I sent an invite to all friends on Facebook. Now everybody I want to keep in touch with has it too :slight_smile:

Can someone invite me?

My email is my name/username with a “.” instead of a space,

Done :slight_smile:

Excellent, thank you. I am now in. :slight_smile:

It seems reasonably interesting. Basically Facebook with clearer privacy controls and nicer UI. On the top of my recommended list of people to add was Markus, I wonder how it associated him with me. I guess I emailed him a bunch when we were the moderators of JGO. Ha ha, here is an email that has Julien complaining about him. :stuck_out_tongue: I just need to release an awesome indie game to get back into his “circle.”

Anyway. I now have some invites, so if people need one let me know.

I have Markus in my “Following” circle :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind an invite. My email is