Dear all,
I am new to JOGL and was hoping you could help me understand how to use glReadPixels.
Currently I am experimenting with 2D Metaballs. I create 2 circles with the color fading the further it is from the center.
Now, what I would like to do is identify the border area where the color is of a certain brightness. To do so I use glReadPixels to read back the color of all pixels in the buffer and everything works untill I start changing the width of the canvas. (Changing the height does not cause any problems)
All widths where width % 4 == 0 look fine but the pixels seem to be displaced for all other widths. Below is an image of the application for widths 300 through 304 drawn with a white border. The last picture is an example of the finished application, in a width where the pixel operation works.
Below is the code I use to draw the border:
int pH = panelHeight, pW = panelWidth;
int bufferSize = (pH+1)*(pW+1) * 3;
int bufferWidth = (pW) * 3;
java.nio.ByteBuffer pixelsRGB = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect( bufferSize );
gl.glReadPixels(0, 0, pW, pH, GL.GL_RGB, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixelsRGB);
for(int bufferY = 1; bufferY <= pH; bufferY++) {
for(int bufferX = 1; bufferX <= pW; bufferX++) {
// Retrieve Color code of current pixel from buffer
int red = pixelsRGB.get(bufferY * bufferWidth + bufferX * 3 + 0);
int green = pixelsRGB.get(bufferY * bufferWidth + bufferX * 3 + 1);
int blue = pixelsRGB.get(bufferY * bufferWidth + bufferX * 3 + 2);
// Make colors readable to me 0 - 255
red = (red & 0x000000FF);
green = (green & 0x000000FF);
blue = (blue & 0x000000FF);
// Calculate brightness
int pot = red * red + green * green + blue * blue;
if(pot < 128*128) {
// I draw the background in here
else {
if(pot < 140*140) {
// draws the white outline
gl.glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
gl.glVertex2i(bufferX, bufferY);
I hope you can help me.