I have a project I am working on that uses JInternalFrames to manage several transparent JPanels over a fullscreen GLJPanel. I have no problems with the z-ordering after setting the GLJPanel opaque to false, but the performance is at a slug’s pace (about 5 fps).
To try and rule out some causes, I switched to a GLCanvas and was able to achieve my 60 fps, but of course due to the fact that it is a heavyweight component, it draws over everything.
I have ran the JRefract interoperability demo and see no difference in performance with or without the iteroperability enabled. I’ve been pulling out hair over this issue, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The same results are consistent with our entire development team. We are all developing on WIndowsXP SP2 using Netbeans 5.0. We have linked in the latest JOGL builds and are using Mustang b87.
Also, I have tried the “-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true” command line argument.