GLJFrame class

I noticed a thread a while back that called for more JOGL utility classes for tasks like making a simple swing JFrame with a GLCanvas in it, along with a bunch of methods for doing tasks like switching between fullscreen and non-fullscreen, altering the GLCapbilities,adding EventListeners, and the like. I’d already written that for the application I’m working on, so all I really needed to do was fill in the comments… would this be useful? (i.e. should I submit it to the issue tracker or something, as it’s a bit too long to post directly here on the forums)

Sure, that would be great. Please do either file an RFE using the JOGL Issue Tracker or post your various stuff as an attachment. You’ll need to sign and send in (fax / scan) the Contributor Agreement linked from the JOGL home page before we can include it in the source tree – please contact me at kbr at about this when you’re ready.