[Girls] How to completely block them from our lives?

Maybe when Highschool starts in a few months. Until then, I wear this XD

New found love is always much better than some programming :wink:
This thread should not exist.

This… This is so true. Nothing beats getting to know someone you love.

And this thread relates to Java Gaming… how?

Use the isolation technique.

oh god! this post is back! run for the hills! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]oh god! this post is back! run for the hills!
Or run for the preferred gender :slight_smile: :point: Good advice



I’m done.

This thread is horrible. Why am I even reading this?
It takes an insane masochist to browse a thread like this. Oh well.

You’ve clearly done no research on drugs, which I would recommend doing before you get thrown into high school. You seem to have a backwards perspective on the whole situation.

Anyways, just stop. Please. I know that you want to learn and get some advice, but please refrain from posting stuff like this in the future. It’s completely off-topic and irrelevant to game development.

Feel free to post stuff like this to 4chan, just do whatever you have to do to keep it away from JGO.

Thank you.

  • Jev

Aaand gone! I was trying to start a conversation… Yeah, I should have done more research. My apologies. :slight_smile:

This thread really needs to die…

Maybe if you keep posting in it it’ll die.

As if my one last post will keep this thread going on for forever. Let’s just forget about the couple other people who have posted.

Whut? Less drug, more program.

  • Nerb

Less Program, More Inspiration.

The stuff about programming being the most important role in game-dev is a load of BS. I have no idea why everybody here sees programming as the only part of game development.

EDIT: To some of the people who replied to this, I think you missed my point. I wasn’t talking about the drugs = inspiration stuff, that’s nonsense. I was just pointing out that programming isn’t as important as people make it out to be. :slight_smile:

  • Jev

Less inspiration (procrastination), more get shit actually done. :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer to get actual stuff done, not shit. :slight_smile:

  • Jev

Well, while (inspiration == procrastination){return null;}

Inspiration comes faster as a result of work, not slower. Sitting around in the clouds pondering usually is a lot less creatively productive than actually doing things. :smiley:

Although that’s off topic, I was more poking fun at the comparison of inspiration to drugs, when despite popular opinion, drugs usually don’t result in real inspiration that lasts beyond the high and it’s just a distraction. Even though popular belief is drugs make you creative, the reality is those people were already creative and would of come up with similar crazy shit without it.

I have a friend who once, when he learned programming, used “while” instead of “if”. Serously… You’re experienced! :smiley: